Cybersecurity awareness

Cybersecurity awareness

Cybercrime occurs increasingly often in Suriname and the entire Caribbean region. And it is becoming harder for companies to guard themselves against it. Raising awareness could prevent cyberattacks in many cases. Train your employees with our tools and make your company resilient against cybercrime.

Cybersecurity awareness might be the most important weapon against cybercrime. Our cybersecurity experts compiled special presentations, trainings, and phishing tests for this cause.

Phishing tests

At first glance, a phishing mail seems to be from a well-known company or person. Until you click the link or attachment, and the hacker gets access to your sensitive data or your computer gets infected with malware. Nowadays, phishing mails can barely be distinguished from genuine messages.

What does a phishing test entail? We send a simulation phishing mail to your employees and monitor the number of employees who click on the link or share sensitive data. Experience has shown that the ‘click ratio’ decreases significantly when employees followed a cybersecurity awareness training. The phishing test results are shared in the reports.

Training cybersecurity awareness

Every month, your employees will attend a short lesson about cybersecurity on our e-learning platform. Lessons include eyeopeners about the dangers of an insecure password and tips to prevent phishing. By using brief assessments and phishing tests, the learning effect will be enhanced. These tests will also allow you to measure the progress of your employees.

The training includes:

  • access to the e-learning platform for one year
  • monthly lessons + assessments
  • phishing tests (simulation)
  • monthly reports
  • monthly email with tips and facts
  • bi-monthly: presentations for the management team, by Qualogy Caribbean

More information

Do you want to introduce cybersecurity awareness to your (management) team or employees? We offer a (online) presentation, free of charge, in which we tell you more about the possibilities. You can also request a free phishing test. For more information, please contact us via

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