The motivational speech
Published on: Author: Karizma Ilahi Category: NewsAt Qualogy Caribbean, we like to challenge our people to continuously do new things. That’s why we introduced the motivational speech. This speech takes place every other Friday with a different speaker each time.
The motivational speech is mostly about your drive, motivations and your goals in life and work. Every speaker will tell a story to enlighten the group with the motivations he has in life and what he does to succeed. Afterwards, we open up the floor to questions.
While this type of activity is not very common in the workplace, we feel it has a positive impact on the growth of a person. When you don’t like to talk in public for instance, you can by practice this with the motivational speech. It also has the added benefit of helping colleagues to get to know each other better.
The motivational speeches also take place outside the corporate environment, which makes it easier for the speaker and the attendees to share personal experiences. It also helps to train your presentation skills which can be a big benefit when presenting a product to a client or a company board.
Here at Qualogy Caribbean, we also have a 'Lesson Learned speech'. This takes place in a similar setting as the motivational speech. But in this speech the speaker will tell everyone about a lesson he or she has learned in difficult times. Unlike the motivational speech, this one is less personal and more business related. By sharing these lessons, colleagues can learn from it and know how to handle themselves when they encounter a similar situation.
I feel that both the motivational and lesson learned speeches are some of the aspects that make working at Qualogy Caribbean so unique. Because we can be honest and straightforward with each other, we grow as persons and as professionals.